My babies

My babies

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's a good thing he's SOOO cute!!!!

May 2009- Once upon a time a Momma went outside with her baby boy and her 5 yr old girl to send the little girl on the bus to go to school. As the girl and her school mate jumped on the bus the Momma started to talk to a friend. Unbeknownst to the Momma her sweet but smart baby boy went in the house locked the door and went right to the pantry. After opening the pantry door he pulled up a stool and begun eating all the candy, cookies, and junk food he could find. When the momma finally noticed that this sweet boy was in the house and locked the door she tried to entice him to come let her in. With cookie in hand and chocolate on face he nicely and loudly said "NO!".
WHAT????? Oh no you did not!!!! So, ever so gently the Momma asked over and over again trying all the bribing she knew. Sadly the answer was always a loud but simple "NO". Finally, this cute little thing opened the door and with sweet smile said " Cookie all gone". Good thing he is soo cute!!!


EMac said...

That is funny in a frustrating, cute way. I can just picture it happening. Thank goodness he finally opened the door and let you in. It could have been worse. He had to eat all the cookies first. Glad you got a picture!

Zola said...

Oh,the joys of motherhood. It's fun to laugh at it now, but then--Oh boy! Now that he has learned where the stash is, and how to lock you out so he can have at it---watch out! He is just too smart. said...

Suddenly there is no where to hide that stash that he can't find it. Fun, fun, fun! That is one smart, and cute, kid!

koko bean..... said...

Mindy that is so funny!!! As I was reading this I was laughing so hard because that is something I know at least 3 of my kids would do!!!

Janice said...

I love it because I have been living your pain. My two year old says, "Don't talk to me" when I tell her no.